Zackary Alan

Monday, October 09, 2006


Today I finally faced my fear of chiropractors and broke down and went. I got a recommendation from a girl I work with of a lady who had experience working on pregnant women but I had just been staring at the number for all of last week.

See the problem is that for about 6 or 8 weeks I have suspected that I had a rib out of place in my back. There is this random spot that hurts... A LOT... and this weekend Jake felt down my back and said that it does feel a little different in that spot. So, for all of these weeks I have been trying to ignore this pain but it has just gotten steadily worse.

Finally today I could take no more. However, it is probably a good thing that I called at 2:00 and they got me in at 3:30. Otherwise I probably would have chickened out again. As I was told, she was very nice and totally tried to put me at ease about the cracking of the back and neck in that she was not going to paralyze me.

She said that just by feeling she would guess that I was probably right about the rib. Obviously at this point we can't do x-rays so we are just going on what she can feel. Her deduction as to what caused it surprised me a little though. When I told her I had been sick she said that very well could have been the cause. I guess when I think about it it makes sense. Throwing up once sometimes twice a day for six weeks is a VERY violent motion and could probably cause all sorts of things to become out of place.

So... for now I'm adjusted and I have to keep going back until it doesn't hurt any more. I'm hoping that is soon because my sleeping is limited and my productivity while awake is limited when I am continually in pain.


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