Zackary Alan

Monday, June 19, 2006


Today was apparently the beginning of the gag reflex phase. If I let myself get to hungry, I gagged. If I thought about something that didn’t sit right with me, I gagged. If I smelled something perfumey, or otherwise stronger than I would prefer I gagged. Sounds like lots of fun huh? Don’t you wish you were me?

And… since every moment of every day is now like a giant smell-a-thon, it was a lot of day spent doing nothing very productive!! Here’s an example, I got in the elevator with a man who apparently had a mint in his mouth. No, I did not make him open up to inspect it, I could smell it the minute I walked on to the elevator. And not in an, oh that man has a mint kind of way, it was more in a get me off of this elevator before I puke kind of way.

Which is a perfect segway into my next issue. Once again, on a Monday night I have visited the toilet bowl gods. Maybe this baby is a prankster. He/She likes to give me a week to feel like things are going well. All weekend I kept telling people, I think the worst is over. I haven’t really felt sick in a few days, and then WHAM!!

I’m not sure what set it off tonight. I don’t remember smelling anything too strong. It was just all of the sudden, oh no… that doesn’t feel right. Usually I’m pretty good at calming my gag reflex, but I have lost all control lately.

After that, I pretty much went to bed. Every time I got up to pee or to try to eat something Jake would ask if I was okay. “Do I look okay?” “Well, no…” “Then there is your answer!!” I feel as if I have been hit by a truck!!


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