Zackary Alan

Sunday, July 02, 2006


New day, much of the same. I did feel well enough to spend a little time in the office. I haven't filed paperwork in probably 9 months and I knew it needed to be done. Now that this little one is on the way I find myself thinking more and more about the big picture and the not so pleasant parts of it.

I know it sounds morbid, but I just want to make sure that this little one is not left in limbo should something happen. So, I am in the process of evaluating if I have enough life insurance and trying to make sure I get some for Jake. I also want to get the office in some sort of order so if something happens to me my mom will be able to come in and find everything she needs to do bills, etc.

My final thing is once I FINALLY get this office in order, which could take awhile, I need to get Jake and I an appointment to get a will made. (I know, aren't I horribly morbid.) But, it falls under the same category as the life insurance. I want this child to know that we had a plan, that we loved him/her enough to make sure that they were cared for and safe.

I think all these hormones are making me a little more practical, I just haven't figured out if that is a good thing or a bad thing.


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