Zackary Alan

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Woosh, Woosh, Woosh, Woosh, Woosh

170 beats per minute. For the rest of my life, that will probably be the only thing I remember about today. Today was the first time I got to hear the heart that is beating inside me, but does not belong to me. It was WONDERFUL!!

The day started out innocently enough. I got up and frantically ran around trying to clean up the house before Danette got here to clean. (Don't ask...) In fact I was so tired, and running so far behind that it didn't even dawn on me that the doppler was coming until I was at work. Then it hit me, and I got excited all over again.

By 11:00 my butt was dragging. I didn't know if I had over done it this morning or what but I was TIRED. I tried to eat lunch, but had another case of the yuckys so I just nibbled on food for the rest of the afternoon. Finally around 3:45 I could take it no more. I needed a nap. It didn't dawn on me until I was driving home that the doppler would be there too. Hmm.. maybe sleeping could wait.

I didn't know if the doppler came with batteries, but I didn't want to get all the way home get it out of the box and then not be able to use it. So I made a quick stop at Wal-mart to pick up some 9V batteries so I would be safe.

The whole way home I bounced between giddy excited and it's still really early, I may not be able to hear anything. I took the doppler out of the box and read the brief how to instructions. I then unbuttoned and began listening. One minute... nothing, five minutes... nothing. Add more gel, keep looking. I went low on my pelvis and then higher towards my belly button but the only thing I heard was my own heart beat.

Finally when I was about to give up I remembered that sometimes when it is really early they have to push in a little on your stomach to get close enough to hear anything. So, I started back up by my belly button, pushed the thing in a little harder and started slowly moving downward. About halfway to my pubic bone I struck gold (figuratively speaking of course).

There it was, that GLORIOUS sound!! Woosh, Woosh, Woosh, Woosh!! I picked up the cell phone, being careful not to move the doppler too much and dialed Jake. Once I let him hear it I had to call my mom and let her hear it. The final call I made was to a friend of mine who is also pregnant.

When I told her today that I had ordered one she asked me what I would have to look forward to at the doctors office. All I could say on the phone to her was it's worth it. It is SOO worth it to me. I don't care if I hear it every single day it will never get old!!

Finally I was done with my heartbeat calls and I just sat there and listened for a little while. Of course once I shut it off, I was not tired in the slightest. Too much adrenaline. So I just stayed up watching crappy summer TV programming until around 9:00. As I drifted off to sleep I swear I could still hear it in my head.

Woosh, Woosh, Woosh, Woosh, Woosh


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is most deffinetly the most wonderful sound in the world... only to be replaces with the sounds of your baby breathing!

10:23 AM  
Blogger thisbearbites said...

I cried for joy when I first heard granddaughter Lilly's!

10:58 PM  
Blogger Lynanne said...

Your friend is right, now you won't have hearing the heartbeat to look forward to at the doctor's visit...

But, you might not worry so much between visits either. I was always terrified they wouldn't find a heatbeat. I know that sounds super paranoid to someone who's not pregnant but I was always convinced something bad would happen. This last time I was pregnant, I rented a doppler for 3 months and had no regrets. The doctor's visits were still special.

Oh, and I had to laugh about your experience peeing in a cup (sorry). Just wait until your belly gets so big that you can't see the cup. I'll never forget the time I thought I was doing well only to look down to see I had peed all over the edge of the toilet (and splashed my clothes...ewwww!) only to have gotten about 3 drops in the cup! ROFL

How's that for TMI! :)

12:51 PM  

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