Zackary Alan

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Complete 180. That is the best way to describe how things have been going for me. This weekend I thought that things were going along just fine. Everything would be great, I would be able to start eating food again, etc. etc. Then Monday happened, and I thought, just a minor setback….

I wish.

Today, I began my day with my head over the toilet bowl. Jake has decided to share his sore throat with me, we must discuss what is acceptable to share (i.e. chocolate & ice cream) and what is not!! So, when I got up this morning I had drainage, I began to cough… you can guess where this is going.

Okay, I thought. Just a little dry heaving, I’ll be fine. I finished getting ready, ate part of a poptart, and headed off to our doctor’s appointment. When we got there it was about 8:20. I figured that since it was this early they couldn’t possibly be that far behind. Apparently their concept of early and mine are two very different things. Finally about 8:45 they got me into a room.

Okay, little diversion here… before putting me into a room they made me do a clean catch in the bathroom? Do you all know what that is? Here is my problem with this. When you give a regular urine sample you just pee into a plastic Dixie cup. Easy enough. However with a clean catch you have to pee into this “special cup” and you have to catch urine mid stream. The opening of this “special cup” is about half the size of the regular cup. So first they want me to begin to pee and then either stop, or stick the cup in while I’m going and NOT get urine all over my hand?? It was accomplished, but I think someone needs to have a serious talk with them about the size of that cup!!

Alright, moving back to our story. So I get into the room and get my first bit of good news. Since I had a pap at the end of January another one is not needed today. Hallelujah thank the lord!! So she takes the blood pressure, etc and then says the doctor will be right in and then we will go to the ultrasound room. Where the doctor was, I’m not sure… but he left me sitting in there for 15 minutes. FIFTEEN MINUTES people!! I’m pregnant, I’m FREAKING out hoping that everything is okay with the baby and you leave me alone in a room with sharp objects for 15 minutes. Just get on with it already!!

FINALLY he comes in, speaks with me for a couple of minutes and we are off to the ultrasound room. The nice nurse lady had already lead Jake back to the room, (I left him in the waiting room in case they did a pap…. He just doesn’t need to see that!!) So the doctor tells me to get undressed from the waist down (luckily I warned Jake about this) and then he will be right in.

Once again, he must be the wandering doctor because he didn’t come back for at least 5 minutes. How long does he think it takes for me to take off my pants? I’m 26 years old for god sakes. I’ve mastered that talent!! J Anyhow, he finally comes back and I assume the “position.” In goes the camera and the first words out of his mouth were yup there’s a baby. Followed by, oh you can see that can you… here let me adjust the monitor.

Once we could see he did a couple of measurements, printed a couple of pictures and we saw the heart beat for 2.5 seconds and then it was over. Less than 5 minutes. I could have stared at that screen all day and he finished the ultrasound in less than five minutes. Never in my life have I wanted to grab someone more and say put it back in… just a few more minutes!!

None the less, he left the room again and I got dressed and then we went into an office to have a talk. I was told that everything looked great and the baby was measuring right on target. Then we got into the food discussion. No lunch meat. WHAT?? Where did this come from? I can’t stomach lunch meat now anyway… but I had NEVER heard of this one. He told me there was some bacteria that can grow in lunch meat and so if I want to eat it I have to heat it up first. So that either means eating hot meat sandwiches or microwaving the meat and then putting it in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Somehow, I just don’t think I’m going to need to eat lunch meat enough to have to go to all of that trouble. His other recommendation was no tuna. This one was also kind of a surprise to me. I had always heard that you could have one can a week, but he seemed to indicated that I could have no cans a week. SO… I can have hot ham & cheese, but no tuna & cheese melts. Man this is going to be a bummer of a pregnancy.

After the appointment I had to go down to the lab where they proceeded to suck my veins dry. Okay, maybe not so much but it was 4 tubes of blood!! Then it was back to work, and back to telling the boss about “my condition.” Surprisingly, considering when I’m due, all of my bosses have taken it really well. All of the ones with children have had nothing but congratulations for me. The one without… well he’s just a worrier anyway.

After that, I could breathe a little easier knowing my secret was out. I tried to concentrate on work, but that is just not working now a days. I finally decided to just go home and try again tomorrow. Once home I became incredibly incensed at a pizza pan that was not cleaning as easily as I wanted it to. Stomped around for awhile and finally decided to just eat a frozen mac & cheese. (No I am NOT hormonal and if you bring it up again I may have to whack you with the pizza pan!!)

By 7:00 I was just dragging. I should have just given up then and gone to bed, but that horrid show, “So You Think You’ve Got Talent” was going to be on at 8:00 and for some reason, which I know now was misguided, I thought it would be funny. It was about 9:30 when I finally fell asleep and 9:45 when I awoke, said oh no and headed for the bathroom.

Just as I had begun my day with my head over the toilet, I ended my day with my head in the same position. Slowly, ever so slowly, I am learning that I am not in control here. If I ignore what my body is telling me (i.e. sleep now) I will pay for it. I have NO doubt that if I would have gone to bed at 7:00 or even 8:00 I would not have been sick. Next time… maybe I’ll listen!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute name - Love it!

10:40 AM  
Blogger Tink said...

No lunch meat or Tuna? That IS odd. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. SO glad for the baby updates. Keep em coming girl.

12:10 PM  

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