Today was another one of those lazy Sundays. I slept in until about 11:00 which was SOO nice!! When I woke up I was hungry and decided cheetos were in order. Then around 12:15 I was hungry again and needed... wait for it...
Godfather's cheesesticks!! (Damn you Katie!!)
After lunch I laid on the couch and before I knew it Jake was waking me up and I had been asleep for over an hour. I then finished washing our bedding and just laid around. For some reason I just couldn't seem to get any energy today. Every time I would walk up the stairs I would get winded and just want to lay down.
We ate dinner at around 7:30 and then watched some TV for a couple of hours. At 9:30 I decided that I should just give up and go to bed. First, however, I thought I should take my vitamins. For those of you smarter than I, what is wrong with what I just did? Yes, that's right. I took my vitamins two hours AFTER I ate.
So, 30 minutes later I found myself sprinting down the stairs, bucket in hand. All I have to say is it's a DAMN good thing that bucket was upstairs. Add that to my list of "I will nevers" that I just blew to hell.
At least I introduced you to SOMETHING that you can eat right now!
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