Zackary Alan

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Today we decided that Jake would do his thing and my sister and I would work on the stripe. See, I'm letting my friend help me design the nursery and she has this fabulous idea to put a 12" stripe just above center in the room.

Which SOUNDS lovely in theory but I had a feeling was going to be a pain in the ass in practice. Since my patience for the stripe painting was questionable at best I knew Jake's would be non-existent. So off he went to shoot his bow and arrow and off I went to my parents house to gather a few things.

When I returned around 11:00 my nephews pulled in right after me and we set about trying to decide how to tape off the room for this stripe. I had brought a laser level, but it only shoots points of light, not a straight line, so it wasn't much help to us. In the end we decided just measuring and marking a few places and then connecting with tape would be our best option.

So, while the boys taped my sister and I painted. The walls are textured so I had a feeling that even though we taped them a little bit of the paint may leak in places. We had finished about half of the first coat by around 12:30 when my mom arrived with food. At that point I sat down to eat and never really got back up again.

My legs are REALLY sore from all of the squatting to paint around the baseboards and the bottoms of the windows yesterday so when my mom took over my rolling duties I did not put up much of a fight. Since the paint dries pretty quickly we had both coats on by around 2:00 and my sister headed out.

My mom and I ran a few errand and then decided to try to take the tape off of one area and see what it looked like. The first thing we noticed was that we should have waited a little longer because pieces of the paint started to peel up with the tape. The second thing, I was right and the paint did seep in a few areas.

From what I can tell it is not too terribly bad and I don't know if I will bother to try to make it look perfect since from a distance it looks just fine. After my mom left I relaxed for a few hours and then I pulled off a little more of the tape. That is when I noticed the little section that went from 12" to 11 3/4" in about two feet. Now that section I think we will have to fix.

I gave up after untaping one whole wall and resigned myself to the couch for the remainder of the evening, all the while babying my ever increasingly sore and stiff upper legs. :-(


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