So this evening I began my spending of the Target gift cards. It's amazing how quickly the little things add up. I still haven't even begun buying essentials I'm still buying decorations and storage items.
Tonight I bought a few more picture frames for the baby's room. (An idea that Jess has, I will just have to post pictures when it is all put together.) I also bought all of the parts for the breast pump we borrowed. Jake's step-sister had a really nice pump but obviously I needed to replace the breast shield and storage containers.
It felt so weird to be buying that stuff. However I think it was less awkward for me than the kid behind the check out counter. He looked like he was in highschool and he greeted me so pleasantly. Then up on the counter I set baby hangers, picture frames, and all of the parts for the pump. Suddenly he was a lot quieter. Poor kid!!
I only hope that the day comes quickly when I too can embarrass my son that effectively!! :-)
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