Apparently the newest fun game is to stick a head or butt (it all feels the same to me) under mom's ribs and then see her squirm as she attempts to unlodge it and find a comfortable position. This was my dilemma for most of the day today.
I would get up and walk around and get him to move for a little while and then as soon as I would sit down and start to work again back into position he would go.
After work Jess and I went out to do a little shopping for his room. We took back a couple of totes and got a few different ones. We also looked for corner shelves but had NO success in finding those. She wants black corner shelves to display the quilts and baby blankets people have made for us but we are not having any luck finding any. The few that we have found are not deep enough to put the blankets on.
Glad to read all is doing well with you and that all is right on schedule. So I'm not the only one who hits another car during the 30th week (or so) of pregnancy... now I don't feel so alone!
Keep up the baby baking and I can't wait to see your little one!
:-) AL
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