Zackary Alan

Thursday, November 30, 2006


So last night pretty much sucked. The contractions stopped, so the medicine did its job, but it also gave me an awful side effect. Just as the doctor had predicted it made me feel like I had just drank 12 Mt. Dews. I kept waking up and my heart was racing and I felt all shaky. Every time I awoke I would just pray that someone would come and knock me out so I could go back to sleep.
Finally about 4:30 it stopped. So I got two good hours of sleep. Once I got up I felt pretty good considering. I didn't have any contractions while getting ready for work and I did well all day long. People kept asking how I was feeling and my standard answer was good. I think we may finally have everything under control.

Of course now that the contractions have stopped I'll probably be two weeks late and they will have to induce me to get him to come!! (HeHe... I'm so funny!!) At about 3:00 I was starting to feel the effects of my restless night and decided there was not sense in over doing it so I headed home.

The whole way home I kept thinking about the things that I needed to get done. After all, I had such a good day I should be fine to run a few errands and clean up a bit around home. I knew if I was going to do anything I would need to go home and change my shoes. Once I got home I thought it wise to rest for an hour or so and then maybe take Jake with me to run errands.

So I hit the couch. About 5:00 the contractions started again. Now at this point I had run no errands, picked nothing up, just come home and sat down. So I was kind of discouraged. The first contraction I wrote down was at 5:35 and they continued every 4 - 7 minutes so at 6:06 I decided an hour of contractions was enough and I took another pill.

The contractions didn't stop as quickly as they did in the hospital but within a half an hour I noticed that they were spreading out to about every 10-12 minutes and the last contraction I wrote down was at 6:58. So much for that we have everything stopped and under control huh?

The rest of the night was slightly a blur. I just remember being miserable until I went to bed at 9:30 and let my mind forget while I slept. The medicine makes your heart race and it makes you feel like you are crawling out of your skin. It also lasts for 4 - 6 hours (in my case usually closer to six) so it is generally an awful experience.

As I told Jake, I understand why people in preterm labor get to the point where they just want to give up. I want to do all that I can for my son but I'm not sure if I can continue to do this for another two and a half weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh! I went through something similar with my first. Except I dialated to 4 cm and they put me on bedrest for 6 weeks. (Since then, they've decided bedrest does little good.) At 37 weeks I begged for them to let me go back to work. 2 days later, my son was born weighing 8 lbs 5 oz. I can't imagine if I would have waited 3 more weeks.

The terbutaline is bad but the other drugs they use can be worse. No fun at all. Oh, and I had contractions up until the very end. In fact, I've had them with all my pregnancies. I always dialate to 3-4 by 30-33 weeks. Sometimes the contractions were so strong I had to breathe through them and was convinced my bag of waters would break. Yet, I've always made it to 37-38 weeks. They just decided my uterus is a bit irritable (it wasn't the only one irriatable by then). It's probably the reason my labors were so short (lots of practice contractions) and I totally missed early labor. By the time I realize I need to go to the hospital I am in transition already.

How's that for a lot of useless info? I don't mean to say that my experience will be what happens to you. Continue to follow your instincts. You were very wise to go to the dr when you just didnt feel right.

Take care and hang in there!

12:51 PM  
Blogger Creative Genius? said...

Hang in there, hang in there, hang in there!!!

You can do it and it will all be worth it in the end!

2:23 PM  
Blogger electriclady said...

You CAN do it, Heather! Hang in there--it sucks but two and a half weeks will go by faster than you think. (says the woman who has been having regular contractions for 14 weeks)

4:37 PM  
Blogger x said...

I have heard that holding off preterm labour is pretty nasty. Two and half weeks must feel like forever right now. I hope that either the side effects or the contractions go away sooner than that.

2:25 PM  

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