Zackary Alan

Saturday, December 30, 2006


So I could have SWORN we were going to have a baby last night. The contractions started about 9:30 and regulated themselves throughout the night. By 2:30 this morning they were every five minutes or so and we decided a trip to the hospital was in order.

Looking back now... maybe we should have called the doctor first. So we got there around 3:00 and they took us into triage and hooked me up to the monitors. The contractions were regular but my cervix was only 50% effaced and still closed. After a couple of hours they checked me again and since my cervix was still closed they sent me home to wait.

So... here I am waiting. Waiting and in pain. The contractions finally started to space out a little around 3:00 this afternoon and I was able to get a little rest but this evening I am just WIPED out!! Hopefully I will be able to get some sleep tonight.


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