Zackary Alan

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Today was worse, much, much worse and then it proceeded right into awful before the night was through. It started when I awoke to my stomach in knots. No food sounded good. Everything I tried only made me gag or tasted awful. Finally around 5:00 I decided that maybe I just didn't have the right food so I went to the store.

Since I was already feeling bad I tried to make it a very quick trip. I purchased the very few items that sounded good to me, fruit, cheetos, and carrots & tomatoes. On my way home I called my mom and joked with her that I thought I might starve to death. And I was pretty sure this baby was going to be a vegetarian. "No one has died from this right? Cuz it really sucks!!"

Little did I know, little did I know. Jake was over at a friend's shooting off fireworks so I headed home and ate some tomatoes, a couple of carrots, some grapes and a few other miscellaneous items. I was feeling decent but not great. About 8:00 I decided to eat a granola bar and that's where things got worse.

Of course I didn't get more than a couple of bites of that down and I was running to the bathroom. At this point I decided that I would just stick to water and a couple of crackers. I also called Jake to see if he had drank anything. I didn't want him driving, even if he had only had one beer since it was the fourth. He said he had a couple so I told him I would be there at 10:15.

I left the house at 10:00, made it one half mile down the road and I was gagging. During this entire pregnancy I have never thrown up more than one time per meal, and most days not more than once per day. So, I figured that this would pass. It did not. I ended up pulling over on the side of the four lane highway and puking behind the car.

Of course in my being convinced that it was just a false alarm I also managed to get myself and my steering wheel. Great huh? Luckily I had paper towels and was not far from home. I cleaned up the car (not to bad) and headed back home. I grabbed some new clothes, and a bucket and headed out for the second time.

Once Jake climbed in the car and saw the bucket he knew things were not good. He asked if we needed to go to the hospital, since I was starting to get a headache from dehydration. I, of course, declined. It had only been a few hours and I was convinced I would feel better in the morning. I took my bucket upstairs and set it by the bed and fell into it, hoping for a good nights sleep.


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