Zackary Alan

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Today was a day of all around worrying that started out bright and early and didn't finish until I was drifting off to sleep. This morning I was reading an article in one of the parenting magazines about talking to your children about sex. It wasn't really the article that got me worrying. I'm sure when we get to that point we will think of something, it was just the overall realization that this baby is going to grow up.

Suddenly it hit me that we are responsible for shaping the development of an entire person. What if we screw it up? Are we destined to be guests on Dr. Phil or Montel in 15 years?? This little one isn't even here yet, they haven't even started crossing any milestones like say breathing AIR, and already I'm trying to make sure I'm prepared for their future.

After I finished with my first mini freakout of the day I thought maybe I should actually go to work to do things like... oh I don't know... WORK!! Once there I managed to spend most of my day completely oblivious to the fact that I am growing another human in my stomach. That is, of course until I left work.

After work I met a friend of mine for dinner. I tried to eat some chicken fingers at Chili's, as they have really good chicken fingers, and I was able to get one and one half down. I also ate half a bowl of potato soup so I got decently full. Although lately just not throwing up is a plus in my book!!

Once I got home I decided I wanted to listen to the baby's heartbeat. I was really surprised when I found it to not hear the woosh, woosh, woosh sound. Instead I found that the heartbeat was REALLY loud at times and when it got really loud and I got the doppler in the right place his/her heartbeat was now a Ka-thunk, Ka-thunk, Ka-thunk, just like a regular heartbeat.

I suppose that this means that my little munchkin is getting bigger. However, I'm not ready for bigger. What happened to my little peanut? I'm 16 weeks pregnant and already I'm wanting him/her to stop growing so fast.

I spent the rest of my evening watching America's Got Talent and lamenting over how fast my little one was growing and how before I knew it I would be having the baby. Why didn't anyone tell me the worrying and the wanting them to stay small started so early?


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