Zackary Alan

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Today I spent part of my afternoon looking for suitable plastic totes to store away all of the things that now reside in our spare room and our spare room closet. Since I'm not getting any smaller, and the baby is not getting any further away I figured there was no time like the present. The main thing I knew that I had to store was the Christmas Tree. Everything else I knew I could put in either large or small tubs, but the Christmas tree will take a very large tote.

Unfortunately I was unable to locate one at either of the two places I looked, so being tired and not really in the mood to clean anyway I just headed home. Once at home I took a nap for two hours and then I called Jake. He was fishing on the river and asked if I wanted to come and meet him.

Normally I would say no, but for some reason tonight I agreed to go. His boat is a little metal fishing boat which is not at ALL comfortable to sit in. Once we were anchored he set up this folding camping chair for me and I sat on that with a little more comfort. However, after about an hour and a half of just sitting trying to be quiet so as not to "scare the fish" I decided I'd had enough.

We headed back to trailer the boat around 10:30 and as we were going down stream I thought I may have felt the baby move. It was just a slight flutter, but I was almost certain that maybe, just maybe that might be it. Of course my thought then was oh great, now I'll have two of them that want to be out fishing all the time!!


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