Zackary Alan

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Today I spent most of my day lying on the couch or in bed. Every time I would stand upright I would get these pains in my lower abdomen. I thought maybe they were round ligament pains but they lasted most of the day.

Sometime in the afternoon I could stand the sitting still no longer and so I let my cleaning neuroses take over a bit. I started vacuuming the living room a little at a time. If the pain would be uncomfortable I would crawl on my hands and knees so that my belly hung down and then I could clean under the couch, under the chair, and behind the movie stand.

Finally I decided I'd had enough cleaning and I sat down again. At this point I wanted to listen to the munchkin to make sure that all was right in his/her world. I pulled out the doppler and placed it about two to three inches below my belly button which was where I had always heard him/her before. There was nothing. I then moved side to side and lower, still nothing. I was starting to get really panicked when I remembered reading somewhere that my uterus is moving up this week towards my belly button. Sure enough there he/she was. Right below my belly button ka-thunking away. I listened for quite awhile and then I put the doppler away and just relaxed.

If the pain is still there tomorrow I think I will call the doctor to make sure it is not a urinary tract infection or anything.


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