Today started out on a pretty crappy note. The first thing I did when I woke up after a fitful night of sleep was try to eat a saltine. During the night I had been up off and on with my headache getting worse. I did manage to keep about 4 ounces of water down, which isn't much, but was better than nothing.
Of course the saltine started out the par for my morning. It, along with any water I had recently drank, came right back up. It was at this point that I decided I could be in trouble. If I couldn't even keep down saltines how was I supposed to keep from getting dehydrated? As soon as 8:00 rolled around I called the doctor's office to ask for advice.
It took them about an hour to finally call me back and they told me they were calling in a prescription for me. Of course since I couldn't keep anything down they could not give me an oral medicine. However, at that point I would have done ANYTHING necessary to be able to eat and drink again.
I ventured out to the pharmacy about a half an hour later and by that point I was in pretty bad shape. I had not been able to eat or drink anything in over 12 hours and I was weak, tired and feeling pretty awful. I took them about 15 minutes to get my prescription ready and then I headed home.
The doctor had told me to drink Propel fitness water but I couldn't find it at the grocery store and was took tired to look very hard. I remembered that Jake had some gatorade at home and figured that would do the same thing. At 11:00 I took my first dose of the medicine and by 1:00 was amazed at how much better I was feeling. I FINALLY got to eat something and drank 2 or 3 glasses of gatorade.
The medicine, however, has one bad side effect. It makes your really tired. I feel asleep at 3:00 and didn't wake until 6:30. By 7:15 I was starting to feel pretty crummy again so I took a second dose of the medicine. I then ate a little and was passed back out by 9:00.
I felt like complete crap (although i could keep food down moslty) till well into my second trimester.Eat what you can, when you can.... you can worry about nutrition later. :)
Hope the meds help. ::hug::
Oh, Heather, I feel so bad for you! I've been there and its beyond awful. I wish I had some helpful advice to offer but you've likely heard it or tried it all by now. Don't be discouraged that you aren't suddenly feeling better at 12 weeks. It probably will be a gradual thing. Soon, the only thing that will gag you is a stinky diaper (and we didn't even hit that point until table foods at 9 months)
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