Zackary Alan

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Today I spent all day getting lectured by my sister, who is a first year medical student, about how eating Burger King was going to kill my baby. Or at least cause it to loose a few brain cells. Now really, which is it. Because I could probably live with the later.... (J/K)

Anyhow, aside from being lectured about that, and about how all of my pregnancy symptoms are in my head we did actually have a reason to be together. We went to Iowa City to my cousin's graduation party. His actual graduation was on Saturday but since we were at a wedding we went on Sunday to do the family thing.

It was a lot of fun, despite the fact that I was pretty tired and a napping area was just not readily available. (Of course if you ask my sister that's all in my head so I don't need a nap)

Other pregnancy things, nothing much new. My boobs hurt. I've begun sleeping with my bra on to try to alleviate some of that when I sit up. I pee a lot, but I'm drinking a lot of water, so that probably has something to do with it. Oh yeah, and I'm sick. I eat something and I feel good for about 30 - 60 minutes, depending on how much I eat. Then, it's back to being sick. YUCK!! I will be really glad when this stage is over!!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Today we drove into Savanah to do some sightseeing. It was raining when we left but we were hoping that it would stop by the time we got there. No such luck. It took us about a half an hour to find a place to park and by then I thought I was going to explode. We hurried out onto the street thinking that we would see a gas station, or a restaurant where Jake’s aunt and I could use the restroom. No such luck.

At one point we passed a porta potty. I mentioned that I could just use that. Of course Jake’s response was, you don’t want to use that. No, when you are pregnant, you will pee ANYWHERE!! Finally we found a restaurant that let us use the restroom.

We then proceeded on to the horse and buggy ride that Jake’s grandma wanted to take. It rained off and on throughout the whole thing and when we got back they told us that we were the last ride of the day because some bad storms were coming.

Jake’s aunt and his Uncle ran through the rain to get the cars while we waited. Once we got back to the inn I figured if it was going to rain all day, I might as well take a nap. Naps seem to be becoming the norm for me on this vacation.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Today was a long day. We spent about 9 hours driving from TN to GA with me trying to only stop every hour to pee. I did pretty well, although I will tell you I saw the inside of some gas station bathrooms that probably hadn't seen a mop in quite awhile!!

As for the munchkin (we're calling it that because we don't know if it is a boy or a girl and I'm not real fond of calling it an it.) he/she did really well. I have had a little mild cramping but nothing too unusual. I still check the toilet paper every time I go to the bathroom, but I assume at some point that will pass.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Today the baby had its first ride on an airplane. As soon as I found out on Monday I called the OB's office and asked them if it was okay for me to fly. If they would have said no, I would have had no problem jumping in a car and driving to Tennessee or not going at all. (Isn't it amazing how quickly your priorities change.)

However, since they said it should be fine I was not too concerned. The only thing I had read on the internet was that if you had morning sickness it could make it worse. Since I have been feeling nothing but mild cramping, I figured I would be fine.

The first plane ride was 40 minutes and it was smooth sailing. I did feel a little wave of yuckyness (I know that's not a word, but it is today!!) as the second plane took off but that quickly passed. We arrived in TN around 8:30 and the only thing I really felt was TIRED. (Oh, and I had to pee.)

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Today I had my first real onset of "Oh My God if I don't lay down and sleep right now I could die" tiredness. It started about 3:00 and by 3:30 I decided I just HAD to go home. I used the excuse that I needed to get a bunch of laundry done before our vacation, which was true, it just wasn't the real reason I was leaving early.

When I got home I put the first load in the washer and then laid on the couch. I was so tired that I found myself drifting off in-between loads. Jake came home and I woke up when he got there but then drifted off again. The next thing I knew he was coming inside saying he was done mowing the lawn. I finally got up around 7:00 but ended up going back to bed around 9:30.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Today I told Katie about the baby. I told her on Saturday that I thought I might be so I didn't want to just leave her hanging. I called her when I got to work and asked her what she was doing for lunch. She asked why and I just nonciallantly told her just because I was wanting salad & breadsticks from Olive Garden and I hadn’t had lunch with her in about a month.

When I got there I had my camera with the pictures of the pregnancy test. We had to wait for a table so we decided to wait outside. Once we sat down on bench outside I told her I had some pictures to show her. She asked what of and I just said oh nothing much, just some pictures I took that I wanted to show you.

So I turned the camera on and as soon as she saw the picture of the test she started jumping up and down. She was so excited that she dropped my camera. Luckily she didn’t break it as we definitely didn’t have the money to replace it right before our trip. After that we went and sat down and spent the rest of the meal talking about the baby and how she might be pregnant. (How weird would that be?)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Today at 6:30 a.m. I called Julie and asked her if she wanted to meet me at Grandma Jeanie’s at 7:00. She asked why and I told her that we had mother’s day gifts that we wanted to give them and since we were going to be out of town we wanted to do it this morning.

She said that Grandma Jeanie was out of town but I could come over to her house and bring Grandma’s present and she would give it to her. So I agreed. I went to Wal-mart and bought her some flowers (same thing we got my mom, different type) and then headed over there.

Of course the first thing she saw was the flowers. So she spent at least 10 minutes putting them in the vase and marveling over how nice they were. Then she took me on a tour of the trailer. It is really nice inside and she has a HUGE (it used to be two bedrooms but they took out the center wall) workshop and still a spare bedroom and a master bedroom. For a trailer, I could live there.

Finally we made our way back to the kitchen and I asked if she wanted to open her card. She asked if I was sure I wanted her to open it now and not wait until Mother’s Day. I said no, open it now. So she opened it and she, like my mom, knew as soon as she opened it. At first she looked confused thinking that I might have given her Grandma’s card. Then she said “Are you pregnant?” I did the same thing I did with my mom. I said you’ll have to read the inside. I had written the same thing inside her card and Grandma’s that was in my moms. As soon as she read that she started crying and then came over and hugged me.

Then we tried to call Grandma but she didn’t answer so we called Molly. It was only 6:30 their time but Julie wanted to call her so I didn’t argue. She was excited. This will make our children about a year apart. As soon as I got off the phone with Molly Grandma called back. So I told her she was going to have another great-grandchild and she was of course excited as well.

Finally about 7:50 I decided that I should probably go to work. By lunch I was just bursting to talk about it so luckily I had lunch scheduled with my friend. I think we spent the entire time talking about either her baby or mine.

Then after lunch I had to suffer through an entire afternoon of work. I’m really ready to be on vacation on Friday so I can have another week for it to sink in. Once it’s been a little while I don’t think it will be as fresh in my mind and so I won’t want to talk about it as much. (At least that’s my hope.)

Monday, May 08, 2006


Today we found out that the three months of Clomid finally worked out. I’m pregnant.

I sort of had a suspicion on Saturday when I saw my temperature sky rocket. But then it came back down on Sunday so I figured I must have been incorrect. So yesterday I decided I was going to buy some cheep dollar store pregnancy tests. I haven’t purchased any of those since I started charting in January and I thought, why not.

However, when I got to the dollar store, I noticed that they were no longer there. What kind of crap is that, closing the dollar store when I so DESPERATELY need to go there!! So, I drove down to the Family Dollar about 10 miles away. However, apparently they sell lubricants and baby supplies but no pregnancy tests for the in between. Go figure. So at that point I sort of gave up. I didn’t really want to spend a lot of money on them at Wal-mart so I just went home.

Then this morning I looked under the cabinet to see if I had any left over. No such luck. I did, however, have one ovulation test left. Now I had read that if you are pregnant and you pee on an ovulation test stick one line will be darker than the other. So I thought what the hey, I might as well try it. I needed to throw the ovulation test away anyway as you are only supposed to keep them for 30 days after you open the box.

So, imagine my surprise when I got out of the shower and discovered that one line was, in deed darker than the other. I figured it must just be a fluke because the test had been sitting there so long and decided that I would buy a cheap test at Walgreens and test in 4 hours. (Around 10:00).

About 7:20 I went to Walgreens. Do you people know how expensive pregnancy tests are at Walgreens? What I can normally buy at Wal-mart for $12.95 costs $20.95 at Walgreens. So I bought a cheap (and by cheap I mean $10.00) generic test and took it back upstairs.

My plan was to wait until 10:00 to test (since they say to wait 4 hours in between testing if you can for a greater concentration). I couldn’t wait and ended up going into the bathroom at 9:30.

So, Imagine if you will, my even greater surprise when I saw not one, but TWO lines on that test. I thought for sure it must be a mistake. After all this is me we’re talking about. I never get pregnant. I’ve peed on 20-30 sticks and never seen two lines. At this point I started to loose it a little.

I called my friend Danette to tell her, because I just had to tell someone. Then I e-mailed our family doctor, because I already had a physical scheduled for today, and asked her about getting a blood test. She said that even if I came in at 1:30 I would still have to wait until tomorrow for the results. So, I decided to just wait until my physical at 2:00.

Around 11:45 I decided I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want to look stupid and go in there thinking I might be pregnant and then have her say, nope, so sorry. So I went back to Walgreens and bought a digital test. The kind that reads pregnant or not pregnant. I went into the bathroom and took it and about fell off the toilet when it said pregnant. I started shaking and I called Danette right there from the bathroom stall.

I know what you’re thinking, why didn’t you call your husband. Well, because I wasn’t sure who I wanted to tell and I figured he couldn’t help but tell people. But don’t worry, as soon as I got off the phone with Danette I came to my senses and called him. He seemed happy, but it’s hard to tell on the phone.

Then about 15 minutes after that I called my friend other friend. She’s due on January 2nd so I am due 2 weeks after her. Even thought I’m only 4 weeks along, I just knew I couldn’t keep it from her. I met her in the skywalk and showed her the test that said pregnant. She hugged me about three times and was so excited.

After all of that I had a huge problem concentrating at work but managed to make it to 1:30 when I left for the doctor’s office. On the way to my car I called the OB’s office and they took my information and told me a nurse would call back to make my appointment. When I got in to see our family doctor, she hugged me and told me congratulations and that the chances of my test being wrong were virtually nil, but they would run their own urine test just to be sure.

We decided that a blood test was not necessary though seeing as how it wouldn’t really give us any more information than the urine test. When I left her office I went back to work fretting that the test there would be negative and I would look like a big fat jerk. She finally e-mailed me at 3:30 with a message in all caps saying that it was positive!! YEAH!!

Somehow I managed to make it through the rest of the day and after work I went to see Danette. While I was there I mentioned to her that I wanted to tell my mom with a mother’s day card but I didn’t know if I could wait until Friday to give it to her. She suggested that I just give it to her early. So, I went and picked up Subway and took it home for Jake. While I was at the store I bought mother’s day cards for my mom, his mom, and both of his grandma’s.

When I got home I saw that Jake had bought me flowers. Considering that he never does that on a whim and never when it is not my birthday or Valentine’s Day I figured maybe he was just as excited as I am. I still don’t think I’ve stopped smiling. Finally at about 6:45 I headed over to see my mom.

Once she opened the card she didn’t get past the front and she knew what was inside. “Are you pregnant?” I just smiled and said you will have to read the inside of the card. So she did. On the inside I had written love The Munchkin. Can’t wait to meet you in January. That did it. She knew right then!!

Of course both Danette and her have told me, we told you just to relax and it would happen. I in no way believe that is the case. I think without the Clomid my hormones levels never would have been high enough to support a pregnancy but they can think what they will.

After she had read the card, she proceeded to call my dad and tell him that we were coming to where he was working. She showed him the card but I'm not sure he got it at first. However, when he finally did it almost looked like he might cry.

Of course my mom then proceeded to call my aunt, and my sister and then we told my other sister while we were over feeding the horses which was WAY more people than I wanted to tell at 4 weeks.

I am terrified that something will happen. Jake says don’t even say it, don’t even think it, but it is still there in the back of my mind. I am SOO happy to be pregnant, but still so much in the wait and see phase. I guess all I can do now is just pray and try to be happy with what I have. Right now, at this moment, I am pregnant.