Zackary Alan

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Okay... I now have Zack's new site up and running. Because of my frustration with how blogger handles the password feature I have moved his site to typepad. Right now I am updating from the week he was born and his birth story. Hopefully I will get some of his first moments and some new pictures up soon!!

Please e-mail me, if you have not already, to get the password.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Update in Process

I have begun the process of updating Zack's site to the new blogger so I can password protect it. Cross your fingers for me that it goes well!!

I plan to institute the password next Monday, the 29th. Please e-mail me at hamiltonfamilycircus{at}yahoo{dot}com if you want the password. (You can click the link to the right) I'm not going to be too picky about who reads it but just tell me who you are and why you want to read. (i.e. I have been reading for a few months and would like to keep up on your adventures)

The main purpose of the password is not to keep readers out, it is to keep someone from stumbling upon the site and the next thing I know my son's picture is plastered in one of those e-mails about dying children needing your money.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Zackary Alan

Born: 5:12 pm

Weight: 8lbs

Length: 20 inches

Monday, January 01, 2007


So even though today was technically a holiday I worked all day long. Since we were at the hospital on Saturday it sort of dawned on me that sometime soon we may have a baby and I have things that need to be off of my desk before that happens.

So, I spent the whole holiday working. I think I will be glad for the break when the baby comes. While I really love my job I'm getting really ready to have a few weeks to not have to think about it and to be able to focus on getting our house cleaned and taking care of our little man.