Today was my 34 week Doctor's appointment. Besides him sitting really low I have been pretty calm in the contraction area so didn't really anticipate any problems. I was out at a client all day and so I was running a little behind.
Isn't that always how it is? You think it will take you a certain amount of time to get somewhere and it always takes longer. I got on the interstate about 5 minutes later than I wanted to, and then the on ramp at the mixmaster was closed so I had to go through town, etc.
By the time I sprinted... and we are talking sprinted in the loosest sense of the word here, to the doctors office I was about 10 minutes late. No one seemed to notice. The last two times I have seen this doctor I have had to wait an hour so I settled into my chair expecting a long wait.
So imagine my surprise when 10 minutes later they called my name. Of course the first stop is the weigh in. I THINK the scale said 163. Eeekk!! When I started this pregnancy their scale read 150, so if you go by that I've only gained 13 pounds. Good huh? Until you count back to the summer of 2005 when we started this conception journey and I weighed 130. So... since that is the weight I am striving for... heck I'd be happy with 135, I have about 30 lbs of baby stuff that I'm carrying around!!
After the weigh in she put me in the room where I was informed that just for fun they were going to check me again, seeing as how I enjoyed it SOO much the prior week. So, as I sat there in that paper gown (which doesn't quite fit around my ever expanding belly so my butt kind of hangs out) I happened to look down and notice my legs looked a little swollen.
I was examining this fact when the doctor walked in. She also commented on how they looked a little swollen but that was completely normal towards the end of the day. Then it was on to the real fun. However, since his head has dropped being checked actually didn't hurt at all. Her first comment was, "Do you have a full bladder?"
To which I replied, "No." They make you pee in a cup every time remember?
"Oh... that's his head."
Of course I could have told her that!! She said I was very thinned out but didn't give me an exact effacement percentage. She also said that I was still completely closed. So, at 34 weeks his head is already very low but I'm not dilated. Anyone want to take bets on whether this means I will go early?
After that she listened to his heartbeat and he bounced all over while she was doing it. She told me that is a sign that he is happy. I just take it as a sign that he is like his father. He NEVER sits still!! :-)
I measured at 34 and so she told me she felt comfortable with me just coming in at 36 weeks to my regular appointment. Her goal at this point is for me to make it 3 more weeks. I have read in some books that 37 weeks is full term and some have said 38. So, I guess at this point we just continue to do what we have been doing. One day at a time.